Be Kind

710 Sessions — DayzOnDaze

Session #11 - The Glass Animal -

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DayzOnDaze heads to The South Island of New Zealand to meet The Glass Animal and talk about his journey with cannabis, how it has helped with his healing process and why he advocates so passionately for peoples right to access this wonderful plant.We learn about The Glass Animal's first grow, the struggle with importing glassware and his dresser draw full of letters from customs. He recommends we follow: Niko Cray Revere Glass Kiwi Dabber His call to action for the community: START GROWING!!! (Drop a comment below and get involved in the conversation.) Recorded: June 1st 2022  -  First Aired:...

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Session #02 - Nugget Bridge -

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DayzOnDaze talks to Nugget Bridge about a range of topics including what inspired him to start taking photos of beautiful flowers.   FIND AND FOLLOW NUGGET BRIDGE HERE They recommend we follow: Kaya Blooms - Bellas Who Blaze - Podcast Dr. Terpintine South Island Skunk Their question for the community: What is stopping you from growing your own? (Drop a comment below and get involved in the conversation.) Recorded: January 25th 2022  -  First Aired: March 6th 2022Follow us on Instagram      

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