Do you have a physical shop?
Not yet. We are online retail, but you might see us pop up at some events.

I've ordered the wrong item. Can I return it?
Short answer NO. Please select carefully. Still contact us please and we will see what we can do.

Do you do same day delivery?

Can I get my order overnight?

Can I come and pick up my order/look at products?

How long will it take for me to get my order?
Can't quote times sorry. We always endevour to get you your order as quick as possible, but once it's with the courier it's out of our hands.
Our fastest delivery time is 16hours, the longest we are aware of, 7 days.
Average delivery time is 1-2 days depending on your location.

Do you ship discreetly?
Yes. There is no branding or advertising on any order.
Our company name does not appear anywhere on your package.